The Market

Largest Shareholders


 Nr. Shareholder Shares %
1 Lífeyrissjóður verslunarmanna 200.388.362,00 12,88%
2 Gildi - lífeyrissjóður 114.845.738,00 7,38%
3 Sigla ehf. 100.000.000,00 6,43%
4 Lífeyrissjóður starfsmanna ríkisins  95.000.000,00 6,11%
5 Eaton Vance Management  90.739.538,00 5,83%
6 Stapi lífeyrissjóður 89.719.956,00 5,77%
7 Stefnir hf.  88.750.245,00 5,71%
8 Birta lífeyrissjóður 73.935.167,00 4,75%
9 Söfnunarsjóður lífeyrisréttinda 47.849.572,00 3,08%
10 Júpíter rekstrarfélag hf.  47.810.788,00 3,07%
11 Lífsverk lífeyrissjóður 47.157.743,00 3,03%
12 Landsbréf  44.903.426,00 2,89%
13 Akta sjóðir hf.  37.953.344,00 2,44%
14 Sjóvá-Almennar tryggingar hf. 33.437.221,00 2,15%
15 Gamma  30.674.792,00 1,97%
16 Festa - lífeyrissjóður 30.116.069,00 1,94%
17 Frjálsi lífeyrissjóðurinn 29.935.992,00 1,92%
18 Kvika banki hf. 27.802.580,00 1,79%
19 Íslandssjóðir 27.206.209,00 1,75%
20 Arion banki hf. 21.990.315,00 1,41%
  Total 20 largest,00 82,31%

Shareholders at Reginn hf. were 650 at the end of the year 2017, compared to 760 at the same time 2016.

The Pension Fund of Commerce holds 12.88 % percentage of the total shares. Gildi - Pension Fund is the second largest stockholder with 7.38 % and Sigla ehf. 6.43 %. All three own the same number of shares as at the end of the year 2016.

Share Price

The number of trades with shares in the company was nearly 1,700 and total turnover was 32.6 b.ISK., an increase for previous year when the turnover was 23.9 b.ISK.

Last December when the OMX Iceland 8 share index was revised, Reginn came into the share index, being effective in January 2018. The main index is composed of the eight most liquid companies on the Nasdaq Iceland

The year’s closing price of the shares in Reginn on the stock exchange was 25.65, compared to 26.2 in 2016. The company's share price dropped therefore slightly by 2.1%, while at the same time the OMXI8 index dropped by 4.4%. The company's market capitalization at year’s end amounted to 39.9 billion ISK, as compared to 40.7 billion ISK at end of year 2016.

Shareholders grouping by percentage ownership

Pension funds were the largest shareholders group of Reginn at the end of the year 2017 with a 50% holding and increased considerably from the previous year.  Insurance companies and banks increase their holdings slightly.  Share investment funds and private companies reduce their holdings somewhat between the years.  Foreign shareholders are coming strongly into Reginn's holding group and doubling their shares in the company, rising from 3% to 6% between the years.